This project is an artistic exploration of the golden ratio logo design technique, where golden ratio circles are used to create minimalist illustrations. (Read more about this technique: zekagraphic.com)
What is the Golden Ratio?
The Golden Ratio is a mathematical concept that is associated with the Fibonacci Sequence (a series of numbers wherein each number is added to the last), as both ratios are approximately 1.618 or Greek letter phi.
In art and design, the Golden ratio is thought to be aesthetically pleasing because it’s common in the natural world. 
"The proportions of nautilus shells and human bodies are examples of the golden ratio in nature, but these tend to vary greatly from one individual to the next. Some seashells expand in proportion to the golden ratio, in a pattern known as a golden spiral, but not all shells do." (Source: Adobe.com)
Why use the golden ratio?
The natural world has served as mathematical and artistic inspiration for many centuries, resulting in the creation of many theories and works of art. My goal with this project was to highlight this close  relationship between nature, mathematics, and design.
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